The whole point of free speech is not to make ideas exempt from criticism but to expose them to it.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Renegade! Woman Killer! Thief! Minarchist!

I'm drinking beer and trying to clean my office and I keep running onto things. A few years ago I was harvesting hemp on the rez and making paper of the fiber. I made the sheet pictured here and then printed a scan of a lobby card for the movie, "The Saga of Hemp Brown," on it.

Which reminded me of this...

The image above appears on the entire upper-left 1/3 of a 3x5 envelope which, I have read, had something to do with some conflict between some corporate interests in the 1850s and 1860s. "A little dose o' hemp'll cure that," somebody used to say when he meant, "If we hang that man (with a hemp rope, since that's all there was), he won't offend again."

Which brought me to this...

I think there may be more to this ad, but I haven't found it. I propose a "Complete the Ad Copy" contest. There are three lines, three possible uncompleted thoughts. I know there are Foruminants who love to do this, so, complete one or more thoughts (I realize some--or all, but that's no fun--can stand as they are) and I'll send a matted and mounted print of some photo or another to you if you are judged as having produced the best "Complete the Ad Copy."

Complete one or more of the following lines...
If you think flavor went out
Make yourself

Feel free to change capitalization and punctuation to make it work.


Thad Wasson said...

If you think flavor left...when she went back to work.

Try...the cowboy cookbook.

Make...your own meal for once.

chad sechsington said...

i guess it's a marlboro ad from 1960.

<a href=">if you think flavor went out when the filters came in...try marlboro...make yourself comfortable--have a marlboro</a>

chad sechsington said...

okay, apparently HTML isn't working...

copy and paste into your browser:

Bob Newland said...

Oh, Chad, you're so LITERAL.

chad sechsington said...

If you think flavor went out--of the contest due to my LITERAL response

try--to understand i needed to solve the mystery or else it would've bugged me all day.

Make yourself--useful and go get me a beer.

also, am i the only one to think that the particular body position of the cowboy doesn't look very conducive to actual relaxation?

Bob Newland said...

That was great, Chad :--)).

I will email you a beer if you win the contest.

It looks to me like the cowboy is smoking while pissed. Maybe he just got a pay raise..., to $235 a month.

Bill F. said...

If you think the flavor went out - of life, and blame the Masons...
try - cowboy couch therapy.
Make yourself - sane. Nobody else can.


Dedicated to my buddy Sibby. If this wins, send Chad S. a beer.

Bill F. said...

Mine is a campaign with "legs." All you have to do is change the first line after "If you think..."

Everything else stays the same.

For example:

If you think the planet earth just 6000 years old...
try - cowboy couch therapy.
Make yourself - sane. Nobody else can.

If you think Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh are American patriots...
try - cowboy couch therapy.
Make yourself - sane. Nobody else can.

If you think the pyramids were built by aliens...
try - cowboy couch therapy.
Make yourself - sane. Nobody else can.


Bill F. said...

Okay, one more. Different direction:


If you think the flavor went out - when he lit up...

try - Hershey's chocolate syrup.

Make yourself happy. Because he sure won't.