Man, talk about
tin foil hats!
We've got zygotes being "people," the government blowing up the WTC, Obama's momma from heaven knows where — undocumented, the new health care plan out to euthanize your grampa, cavemen riding dinosaurs, global warming denial, people walking around with teabags hanging off their heads, prisons full of people who should be in hospitals, a drug black market making Mexican gangs more powerful than the Mexican military and the US border patrol, a congress full of Democrats — with a Democratic president and the people's mandate to bring change — voting like they thought they were still in the Bush era, and now, the SD GOP telling people that it's bad to make money, drive a good car, and have a nice house... (but only if you're a Democrat) ...again.
I give up.
Talk me down.
I'm thinking of moving to Norway.
p.s. did I leave anything out?
May I offer up "America was founded as a Christian nation," "Obama is a racist," " We never landed on the moon," and "Burt Reynolds is actually a partially-shaven Sasquatch." (OK that last one is my own theory.)
"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."
-George Carlin
Love it Braden!
One of the factors that defines at least one political base is anti-intellectualism, meaning the contempt for those who actually know things and exercise some degree of critical thought. The "new media" with its comment sections provides opportunity for people to express whatever they want to without having their facts or reasoning challenged. But talk radio still reigns supreme as the medium of ignorance and derangement. The most-syndicated radio show, Coast-to-Coast AM, makes all those things listed above its standard fare and endorses them as legitimate. By our media, ye shall know us.
Oh, don't forget "Jon and Kate Plus Eight" will be returning to the tube so we can see the non-typical family continue to deconstruct.
Someone watch it and tell me what I'm missing.
David Newquist writes:
"One of the factors that defines at least one political base is anti-intellectualism, meaning the contempt for those who actually know things and exercise some degree of critical thought."
Isn't this the definition of Sarah Palin? (This thought is a result of a newer post by BF, so I'm blaming him for this thought.)
Taunia, suggesting that BF might even be remotely capable of coherent cogitation is risky, at best. But thanks for the thought. (wink)
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