The whole point of free speech is not to make ideas exempt from criticism but to expose them to it.

Friday, October 22, 2010

When Law Enforcement Gets It Right

There have been numerous posts on this blog about when law enforcement officers appear to exceed their duty and become an agent for harrassment, false arrest, and oblivious to the concept of probable cause.

When someone does something right, I think we should give them equal time.

I recently had an encounter with a law enforcement agent, Conservation Officer Josh Carr, who patrols the Stanley County area. I was hunting Walk-In areas north of Hayes with three companions on the Residents Only Season Opener.

We had all walked a long distance and were concluding our walk when Officer Carr saw us coming to the end. He asked if he could offer a ride to our vehicles about 300 yards to the south. One of my hunting companions accepted and the rest of us walked the remaining distance in hopes our dogs would scare up a bird.

It was a slow hunting day. Each of us had walked several miles through some relatively thick cover and some tall, easy to negotiate grass. One Prairie Chicken met his maker and the pheasants eluded us.

By the time we had reached the vehicles, Officer Carr was having a pleasant conversation with the hunter who accepted the ride. Officer Carr asked the rest of us how our hunt was going and even suggested places that might be more productive the following day. He clarified some ambiguous regulations for several of us. And then, he politely asked to see our hunting licenses.

This young man could not have been more of a gentleman and set an excellent example of how a law enforcement officer can do his job without behaving like an ass. He is a credit to South Dakota and I'm sure that law-abiding tourist hunters who encounter him will take away from the experience positive thoughts about their visit to South Dakota.

I wish he would give public relations seminars to every highway patrol officer in the state.


Stace Nelson said...

I do not know the young man; however, I had many young cops work for me over the years. Kind letters extolling a cops' professionalism go a long way when it comes time for promotion. Young cops become old cops who mentor, sounds like he is the kind we all want to see around in SD for a long time. If I may respectfully suggest a letter to his highest supervisor in his chain... Thank you for sharing this.

Michael Sanborn said...


I shared this with the GF&P Commission just after posting it here.

I am sure there are many such officers in Sheriffs' Departments, Police stations and the Highway Patrol. I just haven't run into many of them. When I do, I will post agian and inform their supervisors again.