The whole point of free speech is not to make ideas exempt from criticism but to expose them to it.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Here's what it's like trying to reason with some folks around here...

...and why our country's in trouble because of it.


Bob Newland said...

Okay, so it's the difference between $71.00 and 71¢. Big deal. People have their opinions.

Bob Newland said...

And they have a right to their opinions.

Bill Fleming said...

...and everyone's opinion is just as valid as anyone else's opinion. Especially when it comes to fractions written as decimals. And billions and trillions.

Michael Sanborn said...

Oy! She went directly to Verizon from her job at McDonald's where the cash register tells her what change of a dollar is...of still depends on what your definition of is is.

Bill Fleming said...

Yeah, shades of the old Lilly Tomlin "Laugh In" phone operator character, huh?

"We're The Phone Company. We don't care. We don't have to."

Michael Sanborn said...

Emily Litella also comes to mind.