The whole point of free speech is not to make ideas exempt from criticism but to expose them to it.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Do it again Chuck!

Sen. Chuck Schumer, among the slowest dudes to occupy a N.Y. Senate seat, says he's going to keep proposing public option amendments to the Senate Finance Committee's Health Care Reform bill in spite of a crashing 15-8 defeat of a similar amendment proposed by John D. Rockefeller IV. Read it here.

You're not getting it, Chuck. Americans don't want it. Give it up. You don't have the votes in the Senate. Proceed and pass meaningful health care reform, rather than continuing the partisan blathering for which you are famous.


Bill Fleming said...

Mike, please show us the data that proves "Americans don't want it."

Michael Sanborn said...

Some Americans want it. I stand corrected.

Bill Fleming said...

Ok, now here's the clincher, Michael. If the age at which you qualified for Medicare were moved back from age 65 to age 55 would you go on Medicare at age 55? (I forget how old you are... maybe you already qualify?)

Michael Sanborn said...

I don't quite qualify yet, but I'm close.

Would I avail myself of a "benefit" for which I've been paying since I drew my first W-2 paycheck? Yes.

Unfortunately Bill, Social Security and Medicare will be broke by the time I'm eligible, and I'll likely never receive a dime. Which shows again that the government can't run anything well, or at a reasonable price.

Bill Fleming said...

Well Mike, you've probably paid 7% or more of your income into that fund, assuming you earned less than $110k most of those years. You do realize don't you that if those earning more than that per year had just paid in at the same rate you did, there wouldn't be any problem. You get that, right?

Michael Sanborn said...

I also get that government has shown that it cannot keep its hands off money held in trust. So, I don't trust them.

Anonymous said...

This here NYT poll says 65 percent of Americans want a public option (seventh question down). That's almost two-thirds of the country. "Some Americans," indeed.

Anonymous said...

I hate it when I do that. Here's the link to the NYT poll: